Restoring Human 1.0

What Holds for 2024

Prayers That Move God's Heart - Part 1

July 24, 2011
Prayers That Move God's Heart

What does it take to move the heart of God? For me, based on my excruciatingly difficult waiting processes caused by holy delays, I have been challenged to come to grips with the real questions of faith and the role of prayer to change a painful circumstance to one of where I feel His favor.

Through these times I have come to see that "excruciating" is necessary part of the emotional part of my walk with God so He begins a new work that has my heart praying His heart for me and for my world.


I now know more of eternal value that is developed by the press of hard circumstances. Also to "know" that my circumstances are being perfectly meted out by my Creator and Redeemer to get me to the point where I am honest with myself and Him about life and what is making me sad. 


All the minute details of my personal struggle to find Him in these uniquely designed delays are orchestrated by the One loves me and wants to meet me at the place that squeezes out words that touch His heart. Cries from the deep, even from the places within the unknowable depths of my spiritual bowels, have words that move heart and eventually His grace works down to the points of pain to bring into our time space history His change to my world and my heart.


I have personally witnessed the presence of His power move hard things out of my way. But I have also experienced an increased endurance to press on and through those very hard times. Both works of His grace are incredible. Both means of grace represent His power to change my situation and accomplish much before His Throne in heaven. 




As of today, July, 10th 2012, it has been quite a while since I cried out to The Father with great fervor. The level of pain our family has endured over the last few years has desensitized me to some to the typical things that can shock most Americans. 


The loss of a business and a ministry. Weird delays in finding a way of escape in places of demonic stronghold. Tough arduous fights with belligerent spiritual foes. Desertion from former friends and allies. Loss of income. Loss of loved ones. Words of shame from our closest friends and family.  Unexpected loss of income right after your 8th child is born. Little or no spiritual fellowship. Etc. Etc. Etc.


While desensitized, I still feel the pain, I just don't kick my feet as much as I used to. The days of acting like a little baby and throwing a temper tantrum are less and less. This reality is good and it is bad. Babies want all of mommy or daddy. They want all the attention their little hearts can get, mommies and daddies love to give that attention because they love to be loved. So too with our God. Maturing in the ways of God has its advantages, but still, the cry of desperation is the most powerful force in moving the heart of our Heavenly Father. 


I have seen power and yet still I seek to learn more of His power touching my desperate heart. My soulful cries to God move His, just as the heart cries of Yahshua moved the Father's heart in the Garden of Travail. 


Cries that well up from deepest parts of us, those so deep within us, fears and pain we don't know exist until the trials we face force us to deal with the pain they cause and bring us to deal with our pain before our Loving Redeemer. 


Welling up from the very bedrock of my heart are the weeping and unction that moves me from complacency to place of hearing to a place of submission to a place of action. Actions that were intended by my King before the foundations of the world. Actions He has been working in me to get me to that place of anguish and confusion. 


Amazingly these times typically move me in a new direction. Our God uses the "straits" of difficulty to wake me up to fresh prayer and new action. The two forces of nature are inextricably bound together. Many times He wakes me from sleep and forces me to pay close attention to the movement of His Guiding Presence. Just to get me to the place where I decide to place my will in His Hands and I would have it no other way.




All those who have been drawn aside to pursue the kingdom of heaven will find their path congested with these kind of setbacks and challenges. Why? Because cries of the heart inspire the most simple and sincerest of prayers that move us toward the ultimate goal of building His kingdom. 


Simple heart groans like: “Lord, show me Your way!” or, “where are you God!” or, “I need you now!” or another olde but goody, “Save me, I'm perishing!” 


These rough and oftentimes guttural exclamations form the basis of the kind of prayers that move the heart of God. In the end they are the absolute best prayers, even if they come out as unintelligible grunts or groans. He knows the language of your pain.


Rom.8:26 says, “the Spirit helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought,but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which can not be uttered.”


Don't you think our Father in heaven deliberately seeks to move us to the point where simplicity in communication is all we can offer Him? Can you really imagine trying to lay out a complicated case of this and that before the Lord of Glory when your Gulf Coast beach house is about to be overwhelmed by category 5 hurricane? 


Ps 61:1-2

Hear my cry, O God;

Attend to my prayer.

From the end of the earth I will cry to You,

When my heart is overwhelmed;

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.



Jesus modeled these kinds of prayers. He instructed us to pray, that we should not prattle on with spiritual speak of repetitious and vain words, but rather, to offer our supplications with the simplest of introductions,“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name”


We see that He purposely delivers us over to the place of fear and worry, even a place of crying before Him, to get us to the point in our very fragile lives to pray real prayers. To change us on the inside.


To stop us from bringing shame and discredit upon His Name. To motivate us to get back to work.


Here we find fellowship in the Garden with Our Lord. Here we die to self and take our cross willingly and follow His leading! Here confession of sin takes on a whole new meaning.


It is here that we say the right words that get a real answer, “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven” 


As we cry out through the Spirit, His inner voice speaks back to us, answering our cries with questions that challenge our will to where we are stuck and also shows us where we need to go. We see people we are supposed to call or visit to ask their forgiveness and it drives us back to cries of anguish because our flesh doesn't want to take that hard step toward forgiveness. It is here that our worldview is challenged. Our 5-year plan endures a great lash from the Lord of Providence and we gain a better view of who we really are before His bright white hot and very Holy throne. Here we become honest and vulnerable and finally, yes finally, we get to the point.


The weight of our carnal worry discloses to our inner man the reality of eternal things verses the silly stuff that has us agitated. These heavy weights of anxiety press us down to break us and to get us to finally see what matters to us and God. To reevaluate our situation in light of eternity. To gain new levels of sobriety and to learn the benefit of staring with a longing and yearning eye to our eternal home and ultimate destiny.


When temporal conundrums block our plans, we are left many times with a blank look. But It is here, in the darkness and confusion, that Our Father does His greatest work on the inside of us - our inner man. 


He kneads as a wise master baker His purposes into the fabric of our redeemed humanity. Deep down into the depths of our soul He introduces fresh and new measures of grace and assurance of His love that heretofore had not been offered. 


Don't you love it when some bring the trite words of, “God is on His throne, I say to myself, of course He is, that wasn't the issue or question”. 


As travails of our good old friend Job are seen when he was overwhelmed by the words of his woeful friends answered with the cry, “No doubt but ye [are] the people, and wisdom shall die with you”




My problems don't change God or my eternal destiny. He is not surprised by my pain. He is actually going to take my pain and convert it into fresh power when I seek His Help. When I put all distractions aside and pursue exclusively Him. When I drink from His well.  The cry of faith brings quickly the true refreshment of heaven's nourishment. For His answers are different than the wisdom of this world, they are not derived from human reason. 


The fact that Our Lord on the Throne is not the question. Most assuredly He is firmly established as the High and Lofty One. The issue is will I rise to see the pain I am feeling from His perspective. 


David said in Ps 61 “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” 


Whether we standing solid ground or on ground quaking under the power of an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale. Or, as in David's case, we find ourselves underneath a torrent of water, The Lord is higher than our predicament and His wants to literally lift us to His Throne.


One of the toughest if not the toughest places to stand with Our Lord is at the bed of a dying loved one. Yet here we also draw comfort knowing that He is taking us all to the place of eternal light if we know Him. At the side of our friend or family member we are led with them to the Throne of Glory.


If today you are desolate. Alone and broke. Our God is enthroned in judgment as much as He is enthroned in times of feasting and mirth. He tends to the weary and the broken person. He takes special care of the orphans and widows when they cry out to Him


All of these shakings in the earth and around us remind us of our temporariness and His power over all circumstance and epochs of time. He stands over the tepid nature of man and reminds him that He is King over time and circumstance. But He cares for each who call upon His Name.


The greater question might be for some of you, “why doesn't He move in closer when I pray?” Why does He seem to take so long?


Knowing that our Dad is our dad is not enough, we need to feel His love and His comfort in our soul. 


We aren't seeking to write a paper on the Sovereignty of God, no, we are not about learning the intricacies of theological and abstract truth. 


No, and a thousand times No, we are seeking nothing less than the personal intervention of God Almighty. I assure all of you reading this article that He delights to show up when we are totally ready and desperate for Him. 




Let's be honest with ourselves for a just a moment.


What kind of prayers does God take delight to answer?


Does it really matter how we pray?


Do fancy scriptural words move His heart more then simple heart wrenching grunts from the depths of our being?


The word of God says,


Is.56:17 “For thus says the high and exalted One Who lives forever, whose name is Holy, "I dwell on a high and holy place, And also with the contrite and lowly of spirit In order to revive the spirit of the lowly And to revive the heart of the contrite.'


As we also read on in the recordings of Jesus life here on earth, we discover that the disciples of Jesus were sincere when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. 


Why then did they ask Him such a question? Don't you think they prayed many times in synagogue? What was missing in the prayers they uttered before they met the True Messiah? 


I believe they saw in Jesus a different manner of prayer.


To follow Yahshua in a simple childlike way literally means to walk as He walked. This walk includes a need for constant dependent prayer just as a nursing child constantly needs the milk and nourishment of his mother's breasts. A nursing baby has no desire to try to find another source of nourishment. The baby can't and would never stray too far from the source of life. 


If we embrace the way of a nursing child we will live constantly in His presence, staying before His face knowing there is no other place of real comfort.


Heb. 5:7-9 tells us that He prayed this way, 


“who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.”


We suppose so many times that following Jesus means joining a “christian” group or changing how we vote. It is so much more than learning how to be nicer person.


Paying our taxes, at least most of them, and having a moral core is not the goal of our salvation from the lost and dying world. Going to the “church” meetings. “hangin” with the people who think like us and play “happy” like us is, is not the end point of our salvation. 


The Lord died for us to save us from fitting in and being fake to get us all to a place of transparency. O how I long to be a part of a gathering that is full of this kind of transparency. 


Jesus hung with bad people. He was strong enough in His walk with the Father to keep His flesh in subjection. Following Jesus means to “become” more and more like Jesus. To “do” the stuff of Jesus.


He is our Messiah and Immanuel. “He is” our ever present help in time of need. He, through His Spirit, dwells on the inside of us, so we., and He will never be satisfied by halfhearted prayers. The Spirit of Christ in us presses us to the Throne of Our King in truth and sincerity.


In pressing us to His throne He puts in places of outreach that make us feel His Sorrow, His pain for lost people. This will also cause us to cry out. A cry to see people set free from bondage. Even anger wells up from the depths as we actively become a hater of evil and the evil one.


To be continued


Let's Depart from the “Performance” Mindset

February 11, 2011

The title for this article is derived from many years of heart wrenching struggle in a very difficult process to hear and know God's heart for me and His people. To see us all become a beautiful Bride and begin to do those wonderful works foreordained for us by virtue of His power working in us.    Eph. 2:10

To finally begin to live the life required and expected by Our Lord's efficacious work on the cross for us. Yes we are called to go much higher, especially for those of us who have calle...

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Life from the Dead - Men of Great Faith - Part 2

February 10, 2011

Life from the Dead – Men of Great Faith – Part 2

Men who changed history

Nine generations from our father Noah, a person arises, something happens in the life of one of Shem's great great great great great grandchildren. 

Just before I, Shem, must be placed in the grave by the bones of my fathers. My great great great great great great great grandson hears once again the prompting of the same Voice my father heard before the Great devastation. The same Voice that guided my dad to build th...

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Life from the Dead - Men of Great Faith - Part 1

February 10, 2011

Life From The Dead – Story of True Faith

About 4 years ago I wrote on this blog on the foundation of our faith --- literally viewed as “life from the dead” In this article I chronicled the struggle of Noah and Abraham to do the hard things they were told to do by an invisible God through the medium of His Spirit and through instrumentality of His Holy Angels.

Noah – a man who stepped up in a difficult time

A dark mist hangs over my head and darkness, judgment looms over all of my fe...

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Fire Baptism of Jesus Christ vs. baptism of the Holy Spirit

January 21, 2011

The Fire Baptism of Jesus Christ!

I have witnessed over most of my adult life such an antagonism, fear, and confusion on what it means to be “baptized” in the Holy Spirit. What we today are going to refer to as the "fire" baptism of Jesus Christ. Signifying the life changing reality of what it means to be immersed in the fire of the Spirit's power.

In this writing I hope to reshape in biblical fashion the experience that was intended to be very normative for all those who come to fa...

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Why I believe

January 13, 2011

Why I believe

The word of God reveals many things to us about life, history, and details about the workings of the universe. 


Most importantly though, God's word reveals His power in the life of people who have simply taken His heavenly words revealed to them to heart, and put them into action. 


Humans, just like you and me, made of the dust, were willing to walk toward a humanly invisible reality called heaven. A place which contains the glory of God's eternal presence without the mitigatio...

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Gospel Preaching Must Be Public

December 1, 2010

If you have been called to be a "preacher" or part of a church that employs a gospel preacher who obediently sets forth God's words of reconciliation week by week, then you, the preacher, and all members of the unique Body of Christ must realize that our Gospel preaching was intended for a public audience. 

Audiences that live or work where we live. A preacher is sent by the Lord of the Harvest - the Jewish Yahshua from Galilee - to preach the glad tidings of His Gospel. All this work is inten...

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Resisting the Party Spirit

November 25, 2010

I don't believe there is a stronger force to keep the people of God out of the will of God than the “party” spirit. 

I'm not speaking of the spirit to party, i.e. having an excessive desire for a good time, all the time. 

No, what I'm going to share with you all is our propensity to indulge our flesh inordinately. This attachment or strong allegiance to our party or group we have chosen ours. It could be our denomination, team, certain cliché, political party, family connections, chu...

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The Modern Day Prophet - Final Appeal

November 18, 2010

A Final Appeal

Today those of who are being called to be the “modern day prophets” that will usher in the kingdom of Christ.  You carry that very same mantle that Elijah carried all the way to wicked King Ahab and his pagan wife, Jezebel.  This word was directed to the faltering northern kingdom of Israel.  Who won in that epic conflict?  

You are called in the manner of John the Baptist who “cried out” for the Lord's people to repent and turn back to Jesus that anointed of Yah, our Mes...

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The Modern Day Prophet - Abel's Seed

November 18, 2010

The line of Abel – the Seed Progeny

Abel is our archetype, our prophet, a beautiful example to follow to learn “the way” of a true prophet of G-d.  Abel gave G-d his best, Abel was more than a shepherd.  Abel was a worshiper of the one and only true Yahweh.  As a prophet, Abel revealed the heart of a “true” man of G-d, he gave G-d everything he had.  In that work he set the stage for redemptive work of the true “Seed” that would come to establish truth on the earth!

"That upon you...

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Kingdom Support Services

Jonathan Keener - Overseer Our call is to be true "christ" ians. Those little christ's who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Who spread God's fame by proclaiming His message of reconciliation to our world. Playing our part in the epic work of the regathering of the Body of Christ in the Last Days.

Where are the prophets?

The calling on my life is to walk in a path similar to those called as messengers of God's revelation to their generation. This would in no way conflict with the work of prophets who wrote the scriptures. The work of the modern day prophet brings his audience back to the written Word. 

This job or assignment is not typically for the pulpit, many times this call leads men and women to connect one on one with pastors, business leaders, divinely selected individuals, and in public forums which the Lord opens to proclaim His message of Reconciliation

LLI Mission & Values

LLI Articles of Faith

Our Story and Vision


Why give to an Ekklasia Plant in Pilot Mountain?

The Path of Restoration of the Bride of Jesus Christ 

  • Intercessory Prayer of agreement by two or three like-minded believers in a geographical location.
  • Through prayer and inquiry of the Holy Spirit begin to establish clear strategic individual prayer targets at the local level of government and community life.
  • Seek for opportunities to publicly Re-preach the full gospel according to manner that John the Baptist performed to prepare the Way of Our Jesus Christ, calling men everywhere to repent. 
  • As the Lord's apostles did in obedience to the Great Commission we publicly declare His historical resurrection demonstrating power of death, we believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit will manifest so as to prepare our hearts to receive His soon coming earthly kingdom.
  • Restore the role of what it means to be an "ambassadors" of the ministry of reconciliation. Understanding that we, mere mortals, stand between heaven and earth to call men to a peace treaty with heaven to restore peace with their Maker and Judge.
  • Walking as Our Lord walked to raise up true life-giving disciples, followers of Our Lord's words and ways making a clean break from the world and any false loyalty to man-made ecclesiastical Nicolatian  religious orders.
  • To inspire unity in the Body of Christ around the essentials of the historic faith bequeathed to us from our forefathers. In His way, and in His time, that the world may see that we are one as our Father and His Son are One.
  • Build a team of diverse God the Father ordained leaders that fit the Biblical model of those called to be ambassadors of Christ, a group called to raise up leaders who hear the Voice of Spirit. A true five fold group of leaders.
  • To continue to expand the Kingdom of Christ by loving sinners enough to go evangelistically where they hang out and meet them in their ditches in the love of Our Savior.
  • Equip the saints by praying over them and speaking prophetically into their lives. Give them Spiritual guidance.
  • To encourage the Body of Christ to work together, using all their spiritual gifts, and so we can foster positive change in any community where we have been strategically placed by the Lord. 
  • Gather the elders, those the Father is calling out to be the next generation shepherds of His Flock, the David's, not the Saul's of the past, men and women who have sold all to follow the Lamb.
  • Gather called out elect  Jews, Gentiles, and Muslims that make up the remnant of God, a diverse and unique gathering of saints from every tongue and nation.
  • Build a community (places of refuge) in targeted and strategic areas that include access to natural resources where training in skills, working with your hands, basic functional education, restore the man and his soul, train in leadership by example - mentoring rising generation.
  • Sponsor trips to Israel to establish our understanding of Our unified place in the Land and with all of His People scattered abroad.
  • Get involved in all work and in all facets of life.
  • Reestablish the family to the rising generation so the newly converted can visibly  "see" and "feel" firsthand the love of husband and wives and the brethren manifested in real and tangible ways.
  • Raise up next generation teams of Holy Spirit trained and prepared ambassadors of His peace who are sent out to the ends of the earth to Spirit-led places on the face of the earth.
  • Build a network of home gatherings and in "other" intimate settings for the purpose of training and equipping the "saints" and where we openly display Christian hospitality and where we share material things. 
  • Sending out Gospel workers who establish churches (ekklesias) that are biblically-governed and prepared to be houses of agape love and purity and in whom the power of heaven dwells.

The Life and Times of

The Keener Family 

Over the last few years

Photos that tell our story

33 years of learning agape love!

The place where many a sincere conversation took place, the place where our family served our  community the very best coffee and smoothies we could deliver.

The crazy day of living on faith in 2007

Livin Lattes event downtown Pilot Mtn, NC

We felt the Power of His Presence in an alley

A most cataclysmic life event...2001

little did I know that witnessing this single event from the banks of the NJ side of the Hudson would be such an integral part of launching the LLI ministry

 The night that revealed that the Holy Spirit could use any 

kind of music to bring glory to His Name

Swing Low Sweet Chariot 

Baptizing McKenzie in Tom's Creek

back in NC - 2008

 Waterfall in En Gedi

Israel trip early 2007

A Time of Remembering

In our very brief time on the West Coast in 2011 


We ask you to pray for the Living Water of Zion to flow to our world, to all our cities, and to every unique people group, that all would seek the power of His Spirit and be saved!


Our Eight Growing Children, Son-in-law & beautiful Grandchild

Our baby girl - 12

Zoe Hannah Grace Keener

Who knows.... 

Zachariah - 16

4th boy - a chaser 

Taught himself how to ride a bike and swim, football, now golf, we didn't know he wanted to do these things until we saw it with our eyes, in the 80s in 2 months.

Steve - 17

A beautiful human and great athlete - Our God has called him to be His spokesperson for his generation

Matthew - 19 

athlete who loves sports, mostly football

attending Western Carolina to play football

Seth - 22

Athlete - Baseball player

Wake Forest Baseball - drafted 3rd round by White Sox

Wants to help the world get smarter 

Also called to do mighty things on the earth

 Kayla - 24

loves Josh and life

married to Josh - July 7, 2020

Ap State graduate and Wake Forest Masters of Accounting Graduate works for Grant Thornton Accounting firm. Josh a great husband happens to be a native South African

Becca - 29

Princeton grad & London School of Economics grad seeking peace and happiness

Jenna - 31

An Entrepreneur who can do anything artistic

Mom of Jerry

The best barista / baker in Winston Salem or anywhere

The big time Jeremiah - our first grandson


Family Shots over the years