As a man who has been labeled a prophet by some and a radical preacher by others and delusional false prophet by many, I have been for quite some time desiring to explain what I believe to be the nature and function of “the modern day prophet”.  


Many of those men and women called by G-d to summon G-d's people to repent and turn back to the ancient paths of the revealed word of G-d. Back to the truths found in the holy inspired Word of Yah.  Those called by the edict of heaven bring attention to the ancient landmarks of our apostolic forefathers; these men and women act in the capacity of a prophet, and they walk according to the ancient prophetic way by simply obeying G-d's revelation rather then the dictates of culture and their native-ly sinful hearts.  In essence, they simple call men to  “change” masters, Baal for Yah, or Babel for Christ! 


Historically, G-d-sent prophets, many of which have been called and ordained by G-d from their mother's womb. Notice the words of Jer.1:5, “Before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as prophet to the nations.” NIV  These men experienced an intense weight of heavenly truth bearing directly down on them from G-d's heart.  

They were to speak forth their heavenly burden directly to the leaders of the world and the religious leaders who operate in G-d's kingdom.  In most cases, kings, governors, priests, and the people they govern don't respond positively to G-d's message of warning, so the burden intensifies within the prophet.  

Read with soberness the words of Jer. 25:3:


...these 23 years the word of the L-rd has come to me, and I have spoken to you again and again,


 but you have not listened.  

The L-rd has sent to you all his servants the prophets again and again, but you have not listened...



At some point this process of speaking forth this heavenly word of change back to Your Real Master and subsequent rejection make the word and the content of its truth takes over the life of the prophet and rests complete control of the prophet's life.  This heavenly commission attaches itself to the prophet's way of life.  Just study the life of the prophet Ezekiel, at one point his wife dies and the L-rd tells him not to mourn for her just to show the L-rd's attitude toward the waywardness of His adulterous people and nation.  


As in the example of Jeremiah, the words of God burned so hot in his bosom that he could not but prophesy.  Attendant to Jeremiah's words were his propensity to penitential weeping over the sins of the People of G-d, blessed Israel.  The word given to prophets is likened unto a pregnant woman who must without a personal choice bear a child even when her body and sometimes the baby do not want to come out.


So to a prophet of God carries a “word” burden in his spirit and that word of G-d intensifies until it bursts forth in a heavenly prophetic utterance, the word placed into the spirit of the prophet becomes deeply connected to his heart and then blasts forth to become the Voice of Yah. The prophet is relieved just as a birthing mother is that her large-headed baby is finally out of her womb. So the prophet is relieved to have those "heavy" words released from his heart. 

Money is not a part of the equation. A true prophet is lost in the words pressed into his heat, money provides zero motivation in the entire process of hearing the word of Yah and releasing those words at the moment they are to be released.

True prophets of G-d are sent directly to the leaders of churches, communities, and nations. Why? Because the leaders of the people have the G-d arranged call to bring the people back to truth and justice and they can call for repentance and the people are responsible to obey them. Prophets of G-d have been given the major responsibility to call these kings and princes back to God's law and ways.  


Obey G-d's clearly revealed commandments, or else major destruction and harsh punishment would come soon to this nation or church. If there is an increase of prophets speaking of judgment than you should expect that judgment is coming soon. G-d is not mocked. He will not take the blame for destroying a society or nation. In the end the leadership of any church or nation will have to take full responsibility for their decision to not obey the words sent to them in the person of a man or woman who is simple saying what they hear from the L-rd of heaven and earth.  

Impending doom hangs over the heads of any nation or religious group if they refuse the words that come through the mouth of Divinely initiated and guided prophetic voice.  

If G-d's people within sound of His prophets voice do not repent, the Lord of heaven and earth has and will bring an untimely, hard, heaven-sent judgment against His people, these men and woman are His voice just as if He were speaking directly to them from heaven. 


Forces such as wars launched by neighboring nations, earthquakes, plagues, tornados, hurricanes, barrenness to their women, and famine in their land.  All these judgments or warning signs are for the very specific purpose of turning mankind back to His holy law and ways.    


"Oh the goodness and severity of God that He will not destroy people without a proper warning!"


G-d's mercy is clearly seen throughout the history of mankind.  No man, community, or nation can ever judge G-d  “unfair”.  His lovingkindness is on display everywhere in our world and through the lens of scripture and and in all of the created universe. G-d saying very evidently and clearly... I exist and I made you!


If you are a student of the Word of G-d, you are familiar with the historical accounts of Noah, Abraham, and Moses, you realize that these men were prophets as well as leaders in their communities. These mighty men functioned very effectively as prophetic leaders to bring their nation into the next epoch of time. To see His “holy” and very heavenly ways again. These men were introduced by G-d's Spirit to see G-d's heavenly perspective and His evaluation of the sinful activities or the injustice of those He chose to deliver from oppression or those He chose judge harshly. 


Egypt and Pharaoh are prime examples to us as an example of Moses being led to the leader of the greatest nation on earth and asking their leader - Pharaoh - to release G-d's people so they could simply worship Him. Moses acted in the capacity of G-d by calling Israel back to Abraham's words. The Israelites were lost in Egypt's Babylonian way, worshiping idols instead of their Maker and Redeemer - Yahweh.

G-d Almighty can raise up men and women from every station of life, some of the prophets G-d were noble and wealthy men or women who walked faithfully with Yahweh, like Daniel, Solomon, and Esther. 


Some were lowly shepherds, like Amos. Others were kings and leaders, like David and Josiah. One in particular was a notable shipbuilder – Noah.  


And many others were priests who labored full-time in the house of the L-rd, Ezekiel, Samuel, and Ezra. Even though these men and in some cases women came from different walks of life, they all shared the same function within entire context declaring G-d's eternal plan of salvation. They were chosen vessels of Yahweh ambassadors to turn mankind and Israel back to His revealed will and sacred law.  Their example was to warn all the inhabitants of the earth that judgment will most certainly come if they do not call upon the Name of the L-rd. 


The very first human family bore a very important prophet.  When Eve bore Seth after the murder of righteous Abel we are told that Eve uttered these words, “For G-d has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed”  Gen. 4:25 




Let's take a closer look at the birth of Seth.  What is the significance of the word “seed” here in this context?  By going back to the point of Adam and Eve's fall into death we learn that the L-rd initiated covenant with Eve to restore her back to her Creator.  Ever since she received that word from Yah, we can discern an intimate connection with her experience and with the rest of human history.  The genealogy of man are brought into 2 categories. G-d's seed and Satan's seed. Yah births his “prophets” that strategically are called to the task of establishing His seed on the earth to speak directly to the evil that is natively bound up in man's heart... expressed in the line of Cain, the murderer of Abel.  


Parenthetically speaking, we can learn much by observing the hand of G-d in Eve's womb.  Cain had already taken a significant measure of control of a big portion of human kind, and turned the hearts of men away from the sacred law of G-d, Cain initiated the way of death that spread worldwide.  


Seth's call from his mother's womb was to initiate the establishment of a new breed of law-keepers of those that would keep the original mandate given to Adam to be fruitful and subdue the earth. To go back to Yah's covenant of “life”.  In this process of deciding to follow the way of Seth or the way of Cain we have a lasting tension that will mark mankind until the L-rd Himself returns to bring us, by force, back to His holy law. 


Remember the words G-d spoke to the serpent right after he deceived Eve, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and Her Seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise her heel.”  Gen.3:15.  


To the women the L-rd said, “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children;”  Gen.3:16.  

A cosmic war erupted with such an intensity at this point in all the earth and universe that has yet to end.  Why?  Because the Maker of heaven and earth injected His holy enmity into our world by inseminating the genealogy of man with a holy prophetic seed.  That seed has one purpose, "to combat the evil in the heart of man and bring mankind back to G-d".  


Our G-d established this world war between the seed of the serpent and the Seed of the woman. This war continues to drive a wedge between G-d's people and Satan's people today. Without G-d's intervention we would have no conflict in the world. This very intense war wages on to this very hour is the byproduct of G-d's desire to save man from himself.  Fortunately, for all earth dwellers, this epic war we are a part of is expressed in our world every day, thankfully, for all of us, this war is going to end soon.  


This war started with death and a hard-hearted murder of Abel. What started with blood will end with blood. Bloodshed saved us from this war. Yahshua died, shed His kingly blood to end this enmity between Cain and Abel.  A day is coming soon when the seed of Cain will be cut off by the power of our King -- Christ, the anointed of G-d, who will execute vengeance on the earth.  Meditate with me on Ps. 2


Why do the nations rage,

​​And the people plot a vain thing?

2 ​​The kings of the earth set themselves,

​​And the rulers take counsel together,

​​Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,

3 ​​“Let us break Their bonds in pieces

​​And cast away Their cords from us.”

4 ​​He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;

​​The Lord shall hold them in derision.

5 ​​Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,

​​And distress them in His deep displeasure:

6 ​​“Yet I have set My King

​​On My holy hill of Zion.”

7 ​​“I will declare the decree:

​​The LORD has said to Me,

​‘​You are My Son,

​​Today I have begotten You.

8 ​​Ask of Me, and I will give You

​​The nations for Your inheritance,

​​And the ends of the earth for Your possession.

9 ​​You shall break them with a rod of iron;

​​You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”

10 ​​Now therefore, be wise, O kings;

​​Be instructed, you judges of the earth.

11 ​​Serve the LORD with fear,

​​And rejoice with trembling.

12 ​​Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,

​​And you perish in the way,

​​When His wrath is kindled but a little.

​​Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.



The L-rd's has, and will, have a righteous seed on the earth.  This holy seed, through the proclamation and advancement of divine truth, will crush the serpent's head, with a word, not swords or bombs. G-d through his prophets speaking His word has always been an intimate part of the development of a holy pedigree of men and woman that avert the judgment of His law.  


Man must first, by the call of G-d, hear and respond to His voice, and then faithfully proclaim His Truth to a wicked and adulterous generation of sinners.  The understanding of what G-d is saying to the heart of the prophet is hard, long, rigorous, and life impactful to the prophet. His endurance and grace is built into the prophet over a period of time and through spiritual very heavenly training.  


I believe that this heavenly work is still actively seen in the lives of men and women today and will continue till the Lord's glorious return!  In other words, prophets still exist, prophets are still required to bring natively fallen men back to law of G-d.  Men are not listening therefore prophets must still be developed and brought to the leaders of churches, communities, and nations.


Prophets must exist. We humans constantly are tempted by their own lusts to turn away from G-d's holy law.  A holy book moves our sinful hearts to rebel.  G-d in His mercy sends human instruments to invite the inhabitants of the earth back to fellowship with Him. G-d's eternal love demands a prophetic ministry today... His Love is so great! 


This work of G-d sending men and women to warn governors, kings, presidents, church leaders and any and all inhabitants of earth that there is G-d's way and there is another way.  This war and battle must continue right up to the very end of this age.  

Note carefully the words of Rev. 18:24


And in her (Babylon) 

was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints and

of all who have been slain on the earth."

To be continued...