Challenges of Restoration - Initial Goals
Over the last few months I have been shedding light on what I believe to be the heart of real revival, or "restoration". I would like to continue to share about this topic. We know trouble looms on the horizon, but we also know that we are commanded to pray and believe that the L-rd is going to send His spirit to help us preach the life-changing message of the gospel to our broken world and our downward spiral of a ravaged political / economic system in our USA.
My desire is to share my reflections on the reality of imperialism in our world. Imperialism has always been a part of the fabric of human existence ever since time began.
Oneworldism is ultimately the doctrine of imperialism at its highest point. Oneworldism has always existed. As it has in the past, this pernicious and soul damning way will be presented slowly over a period of years. As in the days of Adolf Hitler, where he effectively deceived the German people of his day to believe and do unconscionable things.
Hitler's oneworldism started with nobel intent, better society, and by using his oratory skill to get his people to side with his view of the world, at the core his goal was to create a spirit of envy and jealousy. He effectively created doubt about the Jewish people, in doing so, he successfully found a way to marginalize them. In the days that lie ahead, we, like the Jews of Hitler's day, will be targeted even though we offer good to our society.
Our times will have a component of another world war but ultimately it will won by winning your heart to the ideal of man. Man would be greater if just realized how powerful he could be if he just believed in himself in his leader. Sounds eerily familiar to what Satan was able to get Adam and Eve to believe in the garden of Eden.
That man has the power to do anything if we all just get along and listen to the magnfiicent world leader. As this scheme unfolds all of us will be called to do something life changing to show our allegience to this great leader, to get rid of our weapons of mass destruction and seek true "peace" within the AntiChrist political-economical-religious system.
Interestingly, I believe that the AntiChrist will keep most of the weapons that are given to him in pledge of world security and peace... and He will these stolen weapons to maintain peace through fear and intimidation.
We have offered an approach that I believe is the opposite of the current climate of man-centeredness; an approach that has the same end in view. We set this approach forth to extent of the highest good. We seek to do this work to urgently motivate people to work together for the common good within "their" local community. There is absolutely nothing wrong with us seeking peace with our neighbor no matter what they believe, the issue at stake is how we view our works at the heart level.
Will we love people even though we disagree with them and without giving up on the sacred timeless truths found only in the blood atonement we have in Christ?
Revival as many of us have been taught is understood as a sweeping move of the Spirit of God with signs and wonders with a strong sense of heaven in the soul of man. While this is highly desired for all of us, we need more then an external move that touches us in the soul realm but leaves our spirit unchanged... we need the entire life changing revolution of the heart! People walking the Spirit of Christ and not serving the law of sin and death warring in their members. Rom 6:8
True revival is a move of God to turn the heart of man into a willing servant of the King of Heaven --- Yeshua Jesus. Thy kindgom come Thy will be done is a man's heart under control of the Living God.
Christ has earned the right to rule us by virtue of His one for all death and sacrifice for our sins. With His power released into our hearts, we seek the good of others more then our personal happiness and the security of our little space on planet earth. He becomes our refuge spiritually.
If heart revolutionized servants of Christ are raised up in these days, then we will experience movement toward societal unity and peace where ever the people of G-d have the guts and faith to perform the activities the Spirit of the L-rd guides them to perform.
Traditionally revivals I have studied are launched with spectacular events of raising the dead and incredible healings. These signs and wonders are necessary and essential to bring life to the masses. But continuing work of grace is needed to transform sinners hearts to the ways of Christ. As miraculous demonstrations move people into states of ecstasy the work of grace in the heart of the individual believer must and will maintain the work of grace to create a long-term impact on society.
Study the fruit of the Great Awakenings that occurred in America back in the 1700's and 1800's which brought much societal change. Less people in prison, less crime in the streets, more teachers were raised up to teach truth, many more people doing positive community work and so forth etc. etc.
The revivals of the last few decades have included signs and wonders but I haven't seen lasting societal change, have we? The 1960's gave us revolt and separation which today has led to the destruction of the family unit and the political division that keeps us from really solving our problems.
The next mighty move of God can not be based on one ministry or one mega-church campaign. Should any one church or speaker be the caretaker of revival? If so, striving and contention will ultimately rise up and envy or confusion will rest on G-d's people corporately. The one man or one minstry approach will ruin the long-term impact of the work of revival.
If our culture remains divided over what is going on in this guy's church or that guy;s church verses my church, then what has been allowed to happen? Typically we have moved the church goers in one place to another place by offering them an experience that they haven't experienced before.. and new flavor. What else have we shown them?
People are attracted to big events like a plane crash, look at the attraction of a U2 concert coming to town verses the offer of a class on how to start a business by proven businessman or learning a new skill to support yourself.
What invariably happens to churches that are not experiencing a revival with signs and wonders is that a spirit of jealousy sets in toward the church with all the spiritual power and life. The preacher or teacher uses his pulpit to promote his view on what is "really" happening at this growing church and why he isn't experiencing signs and wonders. Doubt in what the dynamic church is doing is created, rather then the preacher seeking out the leaders of the revival and learning firsthand what the work is all really all aboutl.
I suggest that in a real revival or restoration, every sincere church and their leaders are and will power from the hand of God in the life of their congregation, God is no respecter of persons. In a real and long-term revival or "restoration" a city will also sense and realize change in the hearts of men and women in the community. The people transformed will truly love their neighbor, they will pray for their leaders, and they will preach God's word openly and publicly to their world no matter their place in society. Boldness on every level will increase, fathers and sons will come together. Mal. 4:6
Should this mighty event take place in your town, then sin will be dealt with on every level in the soul of man and the spirit of man will be regenerated to newness of life in Him. Yeshua Jesus will become their master and Christ; they will be lead them into green pastures. In other words, the poor will have the gospel preached to them. Our Lord will walk with them in the cool of the day, as in the days of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
Most revivals end with a split of leadership and people have forced to pick sides and go with one or the other. I pray that when the Lord comes to revive your city or town that these works will take place:
1. Families will come back together
2. Marriages will be enriched and not end up in divorce
3. Kids will love their parents and parents will truly love their kids.
4. Prayer will become a delight and a necessary component of the life of God's people.
5. Churches will work to meet the needs of their local communities.
6. Orphans will find homes and families.
7. The economy will expand and prosper in our community.
These are just a few positives of a real revival. Should these things occur in any region... what you and I will experience is God using His people to assist society to "restore" mankind in an Edenic condition... only possible in Christ's power.
I still would love to say that I am believing that when this kind of restoration comes to any area, people will be healed of cancer, crippled kids will walk again, and broken bones will be healed in Jesus Name, BUT the most important result of these kinds of miracles will be the establishment of real peace in our communities through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound... Is 61:1
Much love and peace,
In : Restoration
Tags: ""restoration of all things"" ""oneworldism"" ""challenges of restoration""