How do I impact my city or town? 

Here is some of my story

Restoring Human 1.0

What Holds for 2025

Spiritual Declension Defined / Renewal Explained

June 8, 2014

Over the last few years I have come to realize a measure of decline in my determination and drive to take the message of the cross to our lost and dying world. At the outset of my call to preach I had so much fire in my belly I could not but preach, sadly, as the Word predicts, decline comes and the passion fades.

Back in 2012 I asked the Lord to reveal to me the state of my heart. We had moved back to NJ, I was tired physically and emotionally, and I knew I was spiritually sleepy to the needs of the world around me. 

My oldest daughter Jenna just asked me to come and speak to her college bible study group. At the point of her invitation I realized that the Lord put it on her heart to make this request for reasons I had yet to discern.

As I meditated on what to say to these kids I came to see that I was sliding away from my original calling. The scriptures command us to preach the Word in season and out of season, clearly I sensed I was out of season. So I started to fan the flame a bit. This led to a series of revelations that I want to share today.

These words come from a man who experienced much spiritual revelation from 2004 – 2010, during this period I was very sensitive to the impulse of the Spirit of God, whatever He said to my spirit I did, for the most part. 

After some serious financial setbacks from 2008 – 2011, my heart grew tired and faint toward this radical way of being. I stopped caring so much and went into a place of hiding.

Today I want to share with you the contrast of spiritual life and spiritual death as the Lord revealed them to me:

When awakened, God is everywhere and present. 

Declension starts with distraction from God’s call and leads to a cold heart

When the work of grace touches your heart it burns white hot

In decline, the fire turns into a smoldering wick.

At the height of the revelation you sense you are high atop the mountain.

Decline comes when you perceive your weakness, overwhelmed, you willingly allow the enemy to mire you in the sea of despair.

When you are alive to God, your way is clear to you, black is black and white is white.

Declension comes when you entertain a middle ground, ending in bad choices.

At the apex of your call into ministry you see and discern need easily.

In decline you simply walk by clear need and spiritual opportunity.

When the call comes, revelation rolls into your heart without bound.

On the backside of your awakening God’s word seems distant and disconnected from your life.

When God awakens you Mountains move at your command.

In the depths you see an ant hill of Satan’s work and you leave it be.

Satan and Hell are confronted in the days of life and vitality.

When you are tired and in decline you hide and retreat from any confrontation

Today as I seek the Lord for the full restoration of my call to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, my prayer is that the Lord would use these words to help you in whatever place you find yourself.

When your heart is hot, realize that coldness will come at some point in the future. It is here in the cold you have to reach into the treasure chest of God's Word, seek out those precious promises that the Lord has revealed to you in your new birth.

Renewal is experienced in these steps:

Starts with stopping – pulling away from the way you are heading

Presumption is set to the side – self justification is put away

The process of peeling back the onion of your life begins

 Re-release all your worldly possessions plus your time

You are willing to start all over again

 Re-educate yourself in all that pertains to God

Establish a new way to fulfill your original calling

Seek connection only with life-giving things

Re-recognizes the momentary nature of time

Urgency is reestablished in your life with purpose

Clarity emerges – murky waters become more clear

Order is created in your life – a process – step by step

Start to re-enter the front lines of the battle

 Fear starts to abate

Positive motion – no wasted effort much less futility of thought

Miracles start to manifest again

Confirmations pop up all around you

Your world starts to change to the positive – new faith filled thoughts are established

May the Lord bless you today. I share these things with you from a heart that has been tested and tried over a 30 plus year walk with our succoring Savior and King.

Time reveals that we will experience many afflictions, some of our own making, but the Lord promises to deliver us from them all. Even our own bad choices can be turned around into a blessing. 

Abram felt so desperate when famine struck the Land of His promises that he fled to Egypt. There is did nothing but put himself and his precious Sarah into harm's way. But the Lord delivered him miraculously, eventually he found his miracle babyIsaac in the womb of his post-menopausal wife.

So let's keep our eyes fixed (turn away from other things) on Jesus the author and finisher (perfect or) of our faith.

The word here for “finish” or “perfect” of our faith is only used here in this verse. It would do us good to focus on the true meaning of this word. I leave that to your personal study.





Origin of Jesus - Part 3

January 16, 2014

Origin of Jesus – Part 3

Read parts 1 and 2 by using search bar on this website


As sons of the Living God, we are summoned by heaven to boldly witness to all the things that we have seen or heard.  Any man or woman of God, prophet, and apostle, upon their occasion of witnessing something of the glories of heaven, will agree that heaven's glory eclipses any glory we see on the earth.

All attest to the same reality of the sheer magnitude of the glory of God, those who have wrestled with rea...

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Adversity - Are we ready?

December 16, 2013

Adversity – Are we ready? 2014

Repost from 2008

If you faint in the day of adversityYour strength is small. Prov. 24:10


In Psalm 91:14-16 we have a beautiful account of God's faithfulness to protect a saint, one who has sanctified the Lord always in his heart. A man, woman, or child that has made the Lord of Heaven his love and his refuge.  The Lord is able even at the latest hour to save those who have put their trust in Him.  Let's read the words of Ps. 91 with great care, 

Because ...

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Overcoming frustration in the way of faith

August 27, 2013

Dealing with opposition in the way of walking by faith!

Any human who spends any amount of time on this planet will experience suffering of some type or sort. Such is the result of the mother of all living making that fateful decision to take of the visibly beautiful fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good AND evil.

When any man puts his mind and in turn his fingers to writing on the topic of suffering, he must first have experienced something of the uniqueness of the kind of suffering that ...

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Soul Crucified with Christ

May 13, 2013

Can you and I ever get to the place of living in a way where we are constantly winning against the evil on the inside of us and in the world around us?   

Is it possible to begin a new life where we are consistently overcoming the seductive temptations that confront us every day in our very fast paced, tempestuous and very pagan society?

The kind of temptations that capture control of our redeemed mind and put us in a mind-numbed 
temporally based state of being. 

What and where do these sinful t...

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Come & See

January 16, 2013

What if church goers could actually see and feel the glory and presence of God in the sanctuary?  

What we know of anyone who has seen or felt His Glory in real time reveals to us a sense of a greater intensity of emotion than the modern user friendly church goer currently is ready to accept. 

Historical encounters of men meeting God, whether angelic, or booming voices, or direct theosophic encounters on the order of Abram's tent meeting announcing the birth of Isaac, and especially of Moses...

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LLI Fellowship Hope for 2013

January 1, 2013

Loving friction makes for true unity

The spoken word of G-d uttered at the dawn of creation did not create man a boring kind of bland, and so simplistic a substance without each man or woman owning the glorious addition of individualized uniqueness, what we commonly see in the face of human beings everyday. This reality clearly reveals in the heart of Our Creator in making diversity of people and of gifts in people.

The more we study the micro-substance of human cell structure and the DNA o...

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Extravagant Worship is the byproduct of Loving G-d

December 28, 2012

Extravagant Worship is a byproduct of Loving G-d

In the last five years I have attempted to write many words of instruction and exhortation to hopefully influence my generation for the glory of G-d and hopefully in turn positively impact the generation following mine. When I look back over the topics I have written about I find most of my frustration lies in the division I see in the so-called Christian church in the US.

If you were ever inclined to take the time to read every word I ever w...

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Why we don't celebrate Christmas

December 23, 2012

Why we don’t celebrate Christmas

Directly from the section in Ephesians where apostle Paul exhorts us to Walk in Light even as He is Light and in the Light we read:

8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 For it is shameful e...

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Evaluating Risk from the Word of God

December 14, 2012

If you born of the Holy Spirit you will take risks

Perhaps the greatest risk a person can take is to jump out of an airplane trusting only in the fact that the parachute case will open when the release button is pressed.  Or perhaps the greatest risk is joining the infantry division of the US Army in a time of war.  

Or perhaps the greatest risk is to put your eternal welfare into the hands of an unseen God, divinely inspired to simply put all your trust in the heavenly words written by the...

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Reminders of the beautiful times when they were young and innocent 

Kingdom Support Services

Jonathan Keener - Overseer Our call is to be true "christ" ians. Those little christ's who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Who spread God's fame by proclaiming His message of reconciliation to our world. Playing our part in the epic work of the regathering of the Body of Christ in the Last Days.

Where are the prophets?

The calling on my life is to walk in a path similar to those called as messengers of God's revelation to their generation. This would in no way conflict with the work of prophets who wrote the scriptures. The work of the modern day prophet brings his audience back to the written Word. 

This job or assignment is not typically for the pulpit, many times this call leads men and women to connect one on one with pastors, business leaders, divinely selected individuals, and in public forums which the Lord opens to proclaim His message of Reconciliation

LLI Mission & Projects

LLI Articles of Faith

Our Story and Vision



Why give to an "Ekklasia Place" in Pilot Mountain?

The Path of Restoration of the Bride of Jesus Christ 

  • Intercessory Prayer of agreement by two or three like-minded believers in a geographical location.
  • Through prayer and inquiry of the Holy Spirit begin to establish clear strategic individual prayer targets at the local level of government and community life.
  • Seek for opportunities to publicly Re-preach the full gospel according to manner that John the Baptist performed to prepare the Way of Our Jesus Christ, calling men everywhere to repent. 
  • As the Lord's apostles did in obedience to the Great Commission we publicly declare His historical resurrection demonstrating power of death, we believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit will manifest so as to prepare our hearts to receive His soon coming earthly kingdom.
  • Restore the role of what it means to be an "ambassadors" of the ministry of reconciliation. Understanding that we, mere mortals, stand between heaven and earth to call men to a peace treaty with heaven to restore peace with their Maker and Judge.
  • Walking as Our Lord walked to raise up true life-giving disciples, followers of Our Lord's words and ways making a clean break from the world and any false loyalty to man-made ecclesiastical Nicolatian  religious orders.
  • To inspire unity in the Body of Christ around the essentials of the historic faith bequeathed to us from our forefathers. In His way, and in His time, that the world may see that we are one as our Father and His Son are One.
  • Build a team of diverse God the Father ordained leaders that fit the Biblical model of those called to be ambassadors of Christ, a group called to raise up leaders who hear the Voice of Spirit. A true five fold group of leaders.
  • To continue to expand the Kingdom of Christ by loving sinners enough to go evangelistically where they hang out and meet them in their ditches in the love of Our Savior.
  • Equip the saints by praying over them and speaking prophetically into their lives. Give them Spiritual guidance.
  • To encourage the Body of Christ to work together, using all their spiritual gifts, and so we can foster positive change in any community where we have been strategically placed by the Lord. 
  • Gather the elders, those the Father is calling out to be the next generation shepherds of His Flock, the David's, not the Saul's of the past, men and women who have sold all to follow the Lamb.
  • Gather called out elect  Jews, Gentiles, and Muslims that make up the remnant of God, a diverse and unique gathering of saints from every tongue and nation.
  • Build a community (places of refuge) in targeted and strategic areas that include access to natural resources where training in skills, working with your hands, basic functional education, restore the man and his soul, train in leadership by example - mentoring rising generation.
  • Sponsor trips to Israel to establish our understanding of Our unified place in the Land and with all of His People scattered abroad.
  • Get involved in all work and in all facets of life.
  • Reestablish the family to the rising generation so the newly converted can visibly  "see" and "feel" firsthand the love of husband and wives and the brethren manifested in real and tangible ways.
  • Raise up next generation teams of Holy Spirit trained and prepared ambassadors of His peace who are sent out to the ends of the earth to Spirit-led places on the face of the earth.
  • Build a network of home gatherings and in "other" intimate settings for the purpose of training and equipping the "saints" and where we openly display Christian hospitality and where we share material things. 
  • Sending out Gospel workers who establish churches (ekklesias) that are biblically-governed and prepared to be houses of agape love and purity and in whom the power of heaven dwells.

The Life and Times of

The Keener Family 

Over the last few years

Photos that tell our story

33 years of learning agape love!

The place where many a sincere conversation took place, the place where our family served our  community the very best coffee and smoothies we could deliver.

The crazy day of living on faith in 2007

Livin Lattes event downtown Pilot Mtn, NC

We felt the Power of His Presence in an alley

A most cataclysmic life event...2001

little did I know that witnessing this single event from the banks of the NJ side of the Hudson would be such an integral part of launching the LLI ministry

 The night that revealed that the Holy Spirit could use any 

kind of music to bring glory to His Name

Swing Low Sweet Chariot 

Baptizing McKenzie in Tom's Creek

back in NC - 2008

 Waterfall in En Gedi

Israel trip early 2007

A Time of Remembering

In our very brief time on the West Coast in 2011 


We ask you to pray for the Living Water of Zion to flow to our world, to all our cities, and to every unique people group, that all would seek the power of His Spirit and be saved!


Our Eight Growing Children, Son-in-law & beautiful Grandchild

Our baby girl - 13

Zoe Hannah Grace Keener

Who knows.... 

Zachariah - 16

4th boy - a chaser 

Taught himself how to ride a bike and swim, football, now golf, we didn't know he wanted to do these things until we saw it with our eyes, in the 80s in 2 months.

Steve - 18

A beautiful human and great athlete - Our God has called him to be His spokesperson for his generation

Matthew - 20 

athlete who loves sports, mostly football

currently playing football at Western Carolina

Seth - 23

Athlete - Pro Baseball player

Wake Forest Baseball - drafted 3rd round by White Sox

Wants to help the world get smarter 

Also called to do mighty things on the earth

 Kayla - 26

loves Josh and life

married to Josh - July 7, 2020

Ap State graduate and Wake Forest Masters of Accounting Graduate, recruits for small Accounting firm in Greenville, SC. 

Becca - 30

Princeton grad & masters at London School of Economics & World Politics also achieved a masters at Yale in world politics 

"seeking peace and happiness and a better world"

Jenna - 32

An Entrepreneur who can do anything artistic

Mom of Jerry

The best barista / baker in Winston Salem or anywhere

The big time Jeremiah - our first grandson


Family Shots over the years