I can do all things through Christ, what does that mean?

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The Heart Evil of Our American Imperialism

Posted by Jonathan Keener on Sunday, June 19, 2011, In : Ministry Plans 

The Heart Evil of Our American Imperialism

Jesus never taught the version of our modern day imperialism that seeks the hidden control of nations and the eradication of nations that we deem unworthy of existence with our military might. Modern day Americans have lost the original spirit of our pioneering fathers who fought for freedom from tyranny and the propagation of justice and equity. 

The Great Commission calls modern day believers to take His Words and His method of reaching a lost world...

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TBTS & LL - Dead or Alive?

Posted by Jonathan Keener on Tuesday, September 15, 2009, In : Ministry Plans 

Many have wondered and have even asked me, “are you going to have a TBTS this year?”  I like to answer that question with a question.  Have there been more venues and bands launched since we started LL cafe and TBTS?  I would like to believe that many of you have been inspired to start a band or venue ministry because you were inspired by our struggling effort to do LL and TBTS in Pilot Mtn.  

By witnessing our investment in making a positive place for kids to come and have fun and worsh...

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Jonathan Keener We recognize that great relationships must be built by the Power of God's grace. Many times relational breakdown must occur before we find out how to walk in love and stay in great relationship with each other. In order to discover the blessedness of great relationships we must first be a student at the feet of Jesus, so we can learn from His example how to love like Him, then and only then will we learn how to love our fellow man. Shalom, Jonathan

The importance of a good marriage

part 1

The importance of a good marriage

part 2

The early Pilot Mountain years

Mom & Dad hiking with #6 and #7

our Pilot Mountain babies

they were not planned but we could not 

live without them

Celebrating our 20th in 2010

we can't even begin to explain

top row - Jenna - Kayla - Becca

bottom row - Zach - Seth - Steve - Matt

Mom and her newest youngest daughter - Zoe 

Mom and her former youngest girl - Makayla

full of spunk and determination

Dad and his boys

boy, they make me tired!

 Some old friends - Vineyard Camp

We called it "God's Alley"

The Dan River 

the source of the Jordan River

God is the source of life is His Son - the full image and definition of true agape Love

Communion Gathering at 

the Garden Tomb

True relationships begin around the 

table of communion

Synagogue Layout!

they gathered in a circle

...maybe we should try that?

The men of Livin Lattes Cafe

One of the greatest nights we ever had at LLC

The beginning point of great relationships

fun gatherings


Better Relationships must start with a right

relationship with the Creator


We can't have great marriages,

great family life,

and great churches

Without a Spirit-filled relationship with God and 

His son, Yashua

A full early Keener Life memory experience