TBTS & LL - Dead or Alive?
Many have wondered and have even asked me, “are you going to have a TBTS this year?” I like to answer that question with a question. Have there been more venues and bands launched since we started LL cafe and TBTS? I would like to believe that many of you have been inspired to start a band or venue ministry because you were inspired by our struggling effort to do LL and TBTS in Pilot Mtn.
By witnessing our investment in making a positive place for kids to come and have fun and worship Jesus to, I hope and sincerely believe that you are more inclined to try similar activity in the days ahead. We see more energy and forward movement in your generation and your communities then in ours.
While we have dealt with our detractors, you have been able to do your work without the numerous frontal attacks that we have had to face in our work here in Pilot Mtn. After all this is a war for supremacy, Status Quo and Religion are facing head-on in the steel cage the Power of Faith coming from hearts that have an unvarnished love for Jesus
That is why we call our public worship event, “Takin Back The Streets for Jesus.” This is the language of war. And we are in a very real spiritual war for the souls of the rising generation. Our nation has within it the rumblings of war internally and externally.
We want to continue with the help of God and His Spirit to build the next generation church here in the Surry and Stokes Cty area. We are not letting go, and we will not let go until the Lord makes it entirely evident that He has something else for us to do! As of right now we are not sensing His hand guiding us away from the ministry we started, but He is constantly encouraging us to the stay course.
This Saturday we are going of have a very fun show at our home / farm in Pilot Mtn. For those of you who have never come to our place, you will be excited by what you see. We have plans to cook-out so you all will not starve to death. Plenty of soda and water will be available for your consumption, and our LL drinks. A big street festival is being held in Pilot Mtn on Saturday as well, so a complete day of relaxation and good clean fun is yours for the taking!
A big fire is planned after the show in a beautiful area that by our creek, just in case water dosing be required for our fun fire. For all of you who live outside of our immediate area, you will be so blessed by the scenery and the peaceful feeling of being out of the big city.
At first you might think it strange for LL to do a show at our home, but once you come and see for yourself where we live and the good clean fun that will be available to you and your friends, you will be so glad you chose our place and Pilot Mtn, NC for your Saturday entertainment and place to find social connections.
As a major side benefit, the bands that are playing will be very exciting, so invite all those who are not previously engaged. This is a real event to attend and you all will be blessed, I guarantee it! I would say this event could very well be the pre-launch of TBTS and LL that we see as coming soon!
Many blessings,
In : Ministry Plans
Tags: tbts ll